GK全国スピーチコンテスト 原稿の部 1位入賞 当教室中学生の作品紹介
Hakuna Matata
Do you have a favorite song? I do. My favorite is “Hakuna Matata” from “The Lion King”. ‘Hakuna Matata’ is a Swahili phrase meaning “No worries!”. One of the reasons I like this song is because, when I listen to it, it forces me to forget all trivial matters, and see the positive – and fun side of life. Even the title itself has an amazing effect: when one of my friends is feeling down, I always tell her: “Hakuna Matata!” and, funnily enough, she’d be smiling before long.
This song is the reason I came to cherish the English language. Although I am fond of the Japanese translation, the English lyrics sound so much more straightforward and “from the heart”. I want to learn to speak English in this way: not having to translate from Japanese, but speaking directly from the mind.
So, if you ever find someone who needs some cheering up, or if you ever need some cheering up yourself, say aloud, so that the word can hear your heart: “HAKUNA MATATA! NO WORRIES!”